Saturday, March 30, 2024


 श्री  गणेश  मंदिर   -  शिक्षा वाणी – 21st July 2019

Serene Sunday Reflections


KEYWORDS :: Hymns, Manthras, Energy, Meaning, Chanting Style, Esoteric


Last week we reflected on the Energy Created, Conserved and Distributed in Temples and mentioned that it largely is on the Chanting of Manthras. This week we shall learn on the Manthras and its energy.

Sound is sacred and powerful that connects us, heals us and expands our hearts. A mantra is a series of words chanted as a spiritual tool in religious tradition to invoke spiritual qualities. Mantra chanting is an ancient key that unlocks and opens us up to mysterious sound on another level reaching to the entire universe and has transformative power. Manthra effects and affects all the five fold levels, viz., Physical, Emotional, Intellectual, Social and Spiritual.

Three main types of mantras are : Bija (seed), Saguna (Witn Shape), and Nirguna (without Shape).

Bija mantras correlate GOD/GODESSES and all the chakras  (Base Centre / Muladhara / Base of the spine,  Sex Centre / Svadhishthana / Between the base of the spine and the navel, Solar Plexus Centre / Manipura / Just above the navel, Heart Centre / Anahata / The chest region, Throat Centre / Vishuddha / The throat, Christ Centre or Third Eye / Ajna / The forehead, and The Crown Centre / Sahasrara or Brahma-cakra / Above the head.

Saguna-Mantras invoke the GOD/DODESS as an individual person in SHAPE/FORM and see they manifesting its power. Nirguna mantras originate from the Vedic texts with no deities or personalized aspects of God in specific form or meaning to them.

Mantras are repeated number of times to learn by heart, achieving what is called Mantra Siddhi; the more the number it is chanted that many multiple will be the power of Manthras. The practice of repeated chanting a mantra - Sitting in a comfortable position, with the eyes closed, silently or aloud  - is considered as the easiest form of meditation. Pay careful attention to the speed and rhythm of your chanting, the correct pronunciation, aim, and esoteric meaning of the mantra that will make the mind to be focused on the mantra, letting the thoughts go and maintaining a slow and deep breath. Some people  use a Mala (string of beads) to count series of 108 repetitions of the mantra.

There are esoteric moola manthra that are just used for the specific temple GOD/GODESSES. When the first manthra – “Agamarthanthu Devaanam, Gamanaartham thu Rakshasam” (meaning let Godly energy get in and Demon energy go out) is chanted as a Manthra; it has its energy to change the environment Godly, it happens so when the priest has the power for the same. He gains that power from his daily rituals like Sapta-Sudhi) 7 cleanliness process)  - that too is by manthra (Prana-pana vyano dhana samana me sudhyantham…). They are energized by the continues chanting of Gayathri Manthra (Om Bhur Bhuvaswaha That Savithur Vareniyam Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi Diyo Yona Prajothayath – meaning : The sun who is giving light all around may please enlighten me too) is such a powerful  manthra that makes the Priest powerful.

We reflected on the Manthras and Hymns and it is for Energy in Temples and Special Poojas etc. But for the common daily life it is more of Daily Prayers and we shall reflect on iot in the coming week.

----- Next Week 28th July 2019 -  Prayers in daily life   ------

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