KARMA as in Bhagavad GITA
means action. Yoga means the state or the means. Karma yoga refers to the
spiritual practice in which actions are used God’s devotees as the means to
achieve self-transformation and liberation by escaping from the consequences of
their actions. The karma yoga suggests the way to live in this world without
getting your hand dirty with the sinful actions. The essential doctrine of
karma yoga is explained in several Upanishads and in the Bhagavadgita. Apart
from them, you will also find several references to it in other scriptures.
Ashtanga Yoga and
Karma Yoga
is a fundamental difference between the Classical (Ashtanga) Yoga of Patanjali
and Karma Yoga. The former is primarily meant for spiritual people to get rid
of their impurities and cultivate sattva so that they can experience peace and
equanimity and stabilize their minds in the contemplation of the Self. The
latter is meant primarily for the worldly people who are engaged in worldly
actions for the sake of God and the order and regularity of the world, without
ignoring their spiritual need for liberation. The practices of Ashtangayoga can
be found in Karma Yoga under the name Atma Samyama Yoga or the Yoga of
Concentrated Self-absorption.
Karma Yoga and Zen
yoga also has many similarities with the Zen practice of Soji or the Buddhist
practice of doing daily chores to train the mind. Such practices involve doing
whatever physical work that has been assigned to a monk such as sweeping the
floor or cleaning the utensils with mindfulness, concentration, and without
expectations and distractions. Soji is karma yoga in action, except that you do
not offer that work as a sacrifice to God or perform it as part of your God’s
approach to work is based upon the simple principle of total and unconditional
involvement. When you do something, do something. When you sit, sit; when you
eat, eat; and when you sleep, sleep. It is the essence of mindfulness or living
with right awareness. You engage in actions to tame your monkey mind and allow
it to become absorbed in the moment of the action, without any expectation of
appreciation, recognition or approval. The idea is the same. You engage in
actions as part of your self-cleansing or transformation, not to feed your ego
or strengthen your identity or distinction.
Karma yoga as a way of
yoga goes beyond simple daily chores and extends to the whole life. It is meant
not only for spiritual aspirants but also for worldly people, to whom work is
the way of life and who have to deal with tougher challenges and greater
distractions as they are engaged in the act of living. Karma Yoga or the path
of action as suggested in the Bhagavad-Gita teaches people how to cope with the
pains and pleasures of life without choosing and without escaping. It teaches
people how to remain engaged with the process of living, however difficult and
distasteful the circumstances may be. This is in stark contrast to the popular
opinion that men should renounce their worldly things, go to a forest or some
secluded place, away from society like a cave and perform tapas or meditation
in order to achieve self-realization. Unlike Buddhism, Hinduism is not a
monastic religion. It does not prepare people for the rigors of monastic life
but for the difficulties and uncertainties of the mortal life.
References to Karma
Yoga from the Bhagavadgita
to the Bhagavadgita selfish actions or desire-ridden bind men to their
consequences and subject them to the cycle of births and deaths. At the same
time, one cannot escape from karma by shunning their responsibilities
altogether. Inaction or non-action is a solution to the problem of karma.
Liberation cannot be attained by abstaining from work or by renouncing work
(Ch.3.4), because it is not possible for anyone to remain inactive even for a
moment. The triple gunas (sattva, rajas and tamas) are always at play in
causing desires. They hopelessly drive everyone to engage in actions (Ch.3.5)
to fulfill their desires. Besides actions such as breathing and digestion,
which are autonomous, cannot be controlled or regulated (Ch.3.8). The following
are other important beliefs and ideas found in the Bhagavadgita about karma,
karma yoga, and how one should engage in selfless actions as a way of sacrifice
and service to God.
Desire is the eternal enemy of the wise on earth, the insatiable fire
(Ch.3.39), which deludes the soul by over powering the senses, the mind and the
intellect (Ch.3.40). A true karma yogi therefore controls his senses and
desires through wisdom and discipline and engages himself in desireless
actions. A person’s right is to his work only, but not to the fruit of his
actions or to inaction (Ch.2.47). True karma yoga consists of performing one’s
duty without attachment, remaining even minded in success and failure
(Ch.2.48). It is accomplished by self-restraint, controlling the mind and the
senses (Ch.2.64 &65) and desires (Ch.2.71). On this path of action there is
no loss, nor any reverse reaction. Even a little practice safeguards one from
the fear of birth and death (Ch.2.40). The body needs food for its survival.
Food comes from God only. The virtuous ones who know this eat only that which
has been offered to God as a sacrifice, for the sake of nourishing their bodies
alone. By doing so they do not incur any sin (Ch.3.13).
The karma yogi knows the importance of controlling his senses (Ch.3.6).
Therefore, he engages in actions by restraining his mind and senses,
unattached, directing his organs to work. (Ch.3.7). By that, he overcomes his
desires and remains contended within himself, taking delight in the Self alone
(Ch.3.17). For him there is no interest whatsoever in performing actions or in
not performing them, nor does he depend upon anyone or anything (Ch.3.18). Calm
and collected, he performs his actions without attachment and inner commotion.
The sense of doership is another area of internal reform. Actions should not be
done to feed the ego or strengthen the feelings of pride and ambition. Actions
should be performed as part of one’s transformation. This is the essence of
Karma yoga. Actions arise from the gunas that are present in your mind and
body. Nature, not you, is their source. The knower of the gunas knows that all
actions are caused by the triple modes of nature (Ch.3.27) and thereby he
remains detached (Ch.3.28) from them. He surrenders his actions to God as he
performs them, with his mind fixed on him, free from expectations, attachment
and mental afflictions (Ch.3.29). It is not restraint of actions but restraint
of the senses, which is important (Ch.3.34) in the practice of karma yoga.
God is a perfect karma yogi. There is no better example than him in performing
selfless action. Although there is nothing in the three worlds for Him to do or
to attain (Ch.3.22), still he engages in action. He not only creates the worlds
and beings, but also supports them by ensuring their order, regularity and
continuity. Though He is unborn and eternal, he incarnates on earth to restore
order and balance whenever disorder and confusion become excessive. He does
this to protect the pious and destroy the wicked (Ch.4.8 and set an example so
that people upon earth would emulate him (Ch.3.23) and keep the world free from
disorder and confusion (Ch.3.24). The fourfold order in society was also
created by God (Ch.4.13), again out of no desire but to establish order in the
world. The ancient seers knew that actions would not taint God as he had no
desire for the fruits of actions. Thus by knowledge they attained perfection.
Ignorant people engage in actions with selfish motives, with attachment, while
the wise ones perform them without attachment for the general welfare of the
world (Ch.3.25).
The supreme knowledge of renouncing actions through knowledge was said to have
been lost to the world overtime (Ch.4.2). Lord Krishna unraveled it and
explained to Arjuna. True renunciation means renunciation of desire for the
fruit of actions, not actions themselves. Therefore, the karma yogi offers his
actions to God, shaking off all attachment (Ch.4.10), and performing actions
with his senses, mind, intellect and body only, for the sake of purification of
soul (Ch.4.11) He offers the fruit of his actions to God and there by attains
Supreme Peace (Ch.4.12). Knowing the distinction of action, inaction and
prohibited action (Ch.4.17), he learns to see inaction in action and action in
inaction. Having renounced attachment to actions, ever content, without any
shelter (Ch.4.20), without any expectations, mind and self under control,
giving up all possessions, performing only the body related functions
(Ch.4.21), happy with whatever that comes to him on its own, free from
jealousy, beyond dualities, he remains equal in success and failure (Ch.4.22).
With all attachments gone and his mind established in wisdom, his actions
become equal to acts of sacrifice and he becomes completely liberated from the
bondage of actions.
Actions should neither be abandoned nor neglected, for they can lead to unhappy
consequences. As explained before inaction is not a solution to the problem of
karma. It is also important not to abandon one’s duties and obligations because
they are unpleasant and take up those of another even if they are better. Your
obligatory duties arise from God. They are meant for you and assigned to you as
part of your responsibility to contribute the welfare of the word and ensure
its order and regularity. They may arise from birth, past relationships,
unfulfilled obligations, unexhausted karma, family, society, the world, faith,
and God himself. They cannot be avoided. Even if they are inferior, painful or
difficult, they should not be abandoned or replaced with the duties of another
even if they are better or superior.
Renunciation of actions with knowledge is described in the fourth chapter,
while the qualities of a true sanyasi are described in the fifth chapter. A
true renunciant (sanyasi) mentally renounces all actions and rests happily in
the city of nine gates (Ch.5.13). He looks with the same eye upon all objects.
In his attitude he is scholarly but humble, and undeluded (Ch.5.18). He neither
rejoices upon getting what is pleasant nor agonizes upon obtaining what is
unpleasant (Ch.5.19). He is unattached to the external world, always engaged in
the contemplation of Brahman and identifies himself with God (Ch.4.21). Having
been able to withstand desire and anger, whilst in the body (Ch.4.23) he
remains self-restrained, delighted in himself and illuminated with in
(Ch.4.24). As a true renunciant, he does not indulge in selfish actions, but in
such actions only which promote the welfare of the world (Ch.4.25).
in brief, is the path of action suggested by Lord Krishna in the Bhagavad-Gita.
Krishna exemplified karma yoga. He lived a worldly life, but never abandoned
his duty to uphold Dharma and protect the world from evil. He supported the
virtuous people, without becoming involved with the world or showing any
partiality. If he supported the Pandavas, it was to destroy evil and restore
Dharma in the world, which was on decline at that time.
may argue about certain actions and decision made by him and the Pandavas
during and before the war. However, it must be remembered that Krishna had no
personal stakes in the war. He was not benefited by it. In performing those
actions and making the decisions, he was putting into practice the essential
principles of karma yoga only.
come to know about it in the Bhagavadgita itself when we read the chapter on
his universal form in which he told Arjuna that the fate of the war was already
decided by him and his duty was to play his part and unfold the divine plan.
His teachings in the scripture reflect the same approach.
recommended karma yoga for the householder to perform their obligatory duties
and ensure the order and regularity of the world and preservation of life and
virtue upon earth. No one can avoid karma, but with the help of karma sanyasa
yoga one can escape from the consequences that may arise from them and the sin
that follows. This is the secret which we learn from the scripture.
Bhagavadgita does not preach renunciation of action, but renunciation of
attachment to action and desire for its fruit. It advocates both performance of
action through knowledge and "sanyas" as means for attainment of
freedom from the consequences of ones actions.
means renunciation of action prompted by desire, while "tyaga" means
abandonment of the fruit of action. Both these are characteristic of a true
karma yogi. The true sanyasi is one who does his work without seeking the fruit
of his actions, not the one who gives up activity or the sacred fire.(6.1)
actions are performed with desires and attachment, and with egoistic assumption
of doership, then one has to assume responsibility for all his actions and also
face the consequences of all his actions here and hereafter.
must enjoy or suffer from the fruits of his good actions as well as bad
actions, accepting either sorrow and suffering or pleasure and happiness
emanating from his actions. In both cases he has no real freedom from the laws
and jaws of mortal life. He has to subjugate himself to the conditions of
mortal life and remain confined to the world of illusion and ignorance.
is impossible for one to remain inactive even for a moment or escape from
action altogether. The gunas born of nature drive every one coercively to
ceaseless activity. Freedom from action cannot be achieved by avoiding action
or by mere renunciation of action. He who engages himself in mere meditative
practices, restraining his organs of actions is but deluded soul and a
hypocrite. By desisting from action, it is not possible to maintain even ones
the Imperishable Supreme Brahman does His work dutifully although He has no
desire either to perform the actions or for the fruit of His actions. There is
nothing in the three world for Him to do, not is there anything that He is yet
to attain. Still He engages Himself in action, for if He does not do so men
would take Him as an example and would avoid actions.
the true aspirant who wants to attain union with Him should also follow the
same path while performing his actions . He must do his enjoined duty without
attachment, without any interest whatsoever either in what is done or what is
not done, knowing that his right is to work only, but not to the fruit thereof,
even minded in success and failure, surrendering to God and offering the fruit
of his actions to God and partaking of only that which has been offered to Him.
that are performed with egoism, thinking that one is the doer, with a desire to
enjoy the fruit of his actions, bind man to bondage and illusion. He who thinks
that he is the doer of his actions, is but a deluded soul who does not know the
truth about the spheres of gunas and how they are responsible for all binding
actions out of desire and attachment, with an intention to enjoy the fruit of
his actions, such a deluded soul has but to face the consequences of his own
actions, both good and the bad. Depending upon the nature of his activities he
may gain either sorrow or happiness in this world or heavenly worlds or hellish
realms hereafter.
enlightened Karmayogi on the other hand knows what is action in inaction and
inaction in action (4.17). He knows who is the real doer and how the gunas
drive men to perform actions and how such actions bind men to sorrow and
suffering. When he perform his actions he is aware that it is only the senses
which are occupied with the object of his senses and thereby remains
unconcerned. Thus he actually becomes inactive even while performing actions
and remains untouched by the fruits of his actions like the lotus leaf by
What is Karma Yoga?
The word ‘Karma’
originated from Sanskrit root ‘Kru’ which means ‘Work’ or ‘Action’. Karma consists of
action we perform consciously or unconsciously & result of that action.
Karma (action) is not
only the physical work but the process of mental thinking also. When Yoga is added to karma,
it becomes a practice of union with one’s true self through ‘action’. Hence, every action
which brings our awareness inwards into knowing the true self is the part of
karma yoga.
Another definition of Yoga can be pointed
around the word ‘Karma’ in Bhagavad Gita.
Karma is the key to
freedom, Bhagavad Gita states, from the cycle of death and birth (salvation).
Prince Arjuna was hesitating to fight against friends & relatives in
Mahabharat war & so he asked Krishna why asking him to fight (To do
karma). Then Lord Krishna, who was a charioteer of him at that
time, preach the role of karma according to dharma (individual’s moral
duty) in the following verses.
3.4: Krishna tells to Arjuna
– karma is to purify the thoughts and emotion of heart. A person can’t let go
away from the responsibility of karma to become a monk. Only after purification
from karma, a person can live a monk life.
3.5: Karma
is a quality of active soul. Trigunas (Rajas, Tamas, Sattva) are the
constituents of Soul. Hence, the soul constraint every individual person to
perform some karma every second.
Other than Bhagavad Gita, several philosophers
described the effect of karma in a person life. Swami Vivekananda was one of
Vivekananda, A
Hindu monk, makes understand the philosophy of Karma Yoga in a very
revolutionary way in modern society. According to him, humankind’s ultimate
goal is knowledge & thus it becomes the source of karma. The result of
karma comes at the end can be pleasurable or painful. A person’s reaction
to the particular karma decides the ‘Character’ of that person. Karma Yoga
creates a balance between the result (Pleasure or Pain) of karma.
Based on what we learned until now, we can
conclude the following importance of karma yoga in a person life.
1. The practice of
karma yoga brings activity in every aspect of life. Activeness is the key for
self-development as it makes us realize the suffering or pleasure of life.
2. When awareness is
detached from the karma’s result, then yoga teaches us how to be evenminded in
any condition. A balanced mind is the sign of a calm person. Hence, detached
Karma is the quality factor of the mind’s calmness & positive psychology 1.
3. A right Karma is
helping others. But, in the process of helping others, we help ourselves
ultimately because it fulfills our heart with joy & perfection.
Swami Vivekananda said 2 ‘Life is good or bad according to the
state of mind in which we are’. Karma Yoga shows action need be our only step
ahead result, whether good or bad is just the state of mind.
5. We say something,
do something, show something, and something else is going on inside us. It
makes our consciousness shattered. Regular practice of karma done with rightful
intention removes all these demerits.
When it comes to applying
the tents into life, there are some principles of karma yoga. A karma yogi
seeker can follow these principles to do karma yoga.
How to Practise?
1. Start serving yourself
Serving to the self is the beginning step to
start the journey of karma yoga. Whether it’s work of a household or corporate
life, specify your job & don’t let others do it for you. This practice will
keep you active & build a foundation of serving others too.
2. Be a genuine person
A tendency of faking to the karma makes a wall
of duality in personal life. Most of the time peoples show something and
something else is going on inside them. Presenting the true nature in front of
others helps you to be conscious of the present moment.
3. Love your work
We know The Law of Karma, i.e. what we do in
the present, is reflected in the future. Further, Prarabdha Karma is only what
is in our right. Loving the work prepares a firm foundation for tomorrow (agami
4. Practice to be compassionate
A few words of compassion can positively
affect many critical conditions. Compassion came as an integral part of karma
yoga when seeker absorbed into the karma. Practice compassion to mankind,
animal and nature, and you will observe good vibes around you in every
Forgo the result
To practice karma yoga, one of the keys is
letting go of the outcome of karma. Krishna tells to Arjuna in Bhagavad Gita
‘Do your work, it’s your duty & leave the result of work on me (God)’.
6. Respect the consequences
Some people don’t let accept the result in a
certain situation of life. Try to calm the mind in the critical situation of
life and become a silent observer of karma. Respecting the consequences of
a result and again doing karma with the same enthusiasm is like respecting
God’s offerings.
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